The Sovereignty Summit 4

The UN Summit of the Future last month produced, as expected, a deeply problematic “Pact for the Future.” This accord explicitly advanced the agenda of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Chinese Communist Party and other globalists to evolve the United Nations into a world government. As a result, the sovereignty of member nations and whatever liberties their citizens currently enjoy are imperiled.

The Sovereignty Summit 3

On August 29th, a majority of the nation’s governors declared in response to the World Health Organization’s recently adopted treaty amending its International Health Regulations and another pandemic-related one still under negotiation that “We will not comply.” In so doing, these twenty-six state chief executives are standing up for powers they uniquely have under our Constitution – but ones the Biden-Harris administration is happy to surrender to global government.


The following were among the many extraordinary insights provided by the Summit’s participants about the globalists’ bid to crush national sovereignty and eliminate individual freedoms via four complementary and synergistic vectors.

VIDEO: The Sovereignty Summit 2

SOVEREIGNTY COALITION’S “SECOND SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT” TO SHOWCASE OPPOSITION TO W.H.O.’S ILLEGAL POWER-GRAB | World Leaders to Say “Not Now” to Improper Approval of “Global Governance” Treaties | 9 a.m. ET, Monday, July 29, 2024

VIDEO: The Sovereignty Summit

We are delighted to have so many legislators from six continents taking part in this extraordinarily timely conversation. This event is the result of many conversations involving members of our Sovereignty Coalition team, legislators here in the United States led by Senator Ron Johnson and Congressman Ralph Norman, and, increasingly, elected officials from around the world.