RSVP: The Sovereignty Summit

10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET, Thursday, 23 May, 2024

The Summit will provide a platform for elected officials from around the world to address with the utmost urgency the proposed World Health Organization’s deeply problematic Pandemic Agreement and proposed amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR). We very much hope, despite the necessarily short-notice nature of this invitation, that you will be able to join us for this event between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 23 at the U.S. Capitol or remotely via a video platform.

  • Attendee information


    We welcome participation from national officials either online or in person. All participants should complete and submit this form. Online participants will need to complete an extra step. Participants must register by 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 21.

    • Attending in person:
    One member from each participating country will be given three minutes to make remarks. Invitees must register by 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 21.

    Due to limited space in the meeting venue, an overflow room will accommodate in-person participants who will not be speaking. All other representatives from your country should plan to listen online.

    • Attending online:
    Please fill out this form and register to receive your link to join online here:

    • Members of the Sovereignty Coalition and invited guests:
    Unless assigned a speaking role or expressly invited to the overflow room, please plan to participate online.

    • Contact Sovereignty Coalition:
    If you have any questions, contact Dede Laugesen, Coordinator, Sovereignty Coalition, and include your best contact information or a point of contact with whom we may follow up. | [email protected]

    We look forward to standing with you in defense of sovereignty against the WHO.

    We hope to see you soon!

    The Sovereignty Coalition


    Disclosure: The Sovereignty Coalition reserves the right to refuse a participant’s access to The Sovereignty Summit or to mute, block, or remove participants as deemed necessary.