Remarks made at the “SECOND SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT” July 29, 2024.  

ROMANIAN DEPUTY SORIN T. MANCACIU, Member Of The Romanian Parliament


RM DEP Sorin T. Mancaciu: Thank you very much, Mr. Gaffney. Unfortunately, what I can report is two failures. The failure, number one, after the Geneva session, the Romanian government signed a bilateral treaty with the WHO, and unfortunately, the secrecy around this treaty forbade me from finding out what it was all about. How come we are now signing bilateral treaties, although we belong to the European Union and, the modus operandi is through the European Union? Secondly, I also belong to an organization in Europe called Council of Europe, which is an organization started back in ’47 dealing with human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Therefore, being a member in this parliamentarian organization, I try to push a motion with Lord Keen to find out exactly what is the risk we are taking when it comes to the treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. Therefore, this motion I follow very closely. And it went nowhere, which means that this international organization are designed to block all our efforts to have a rapporteur going to the WHO and find out the inside information about their plans and their activities. So, this is what I was not happy about but unfortunately, this is what I can report. This concerns my efforts for the last year and maybe a year and a half. And, um, like I said, I was not able to crack the information inside the WHO using an international organization that is concerned primarily with human rights.

But I’m not going to finish with this subject. And I mean, I’m going to finish with this subject because something else is really bothering me. I have seen, and that’s a challenge for the other physicians, especially people who are, in clinical, like, doctor McCullough or, Doctor Rose. It bothers me to find out that there are some complications related to people who have already been vaccinated with 1 or 2 boosters, and then they take another vaccine, like a tetanus shot or HPV vaccine. And then they develop a grave complication, which is myelitis, the Guillain-Barre syndrome. And it starts being very, difficult to cope with this because there are different situations. Once we have people who are vaccinated, 1 or 2 or even three doses of vaccines, and then let’s say young women, they take an HPV vaccine and boom, we’re like this. Uh, it’s a complication. So, I’m very concerned about that. That’s why I brought it, to our colleagues. Because I believe that people who were vaccinated have this propensity of developing complications as grave as myelitis. Maybe we should warn them about this because it’s a different type of vaccine. However, the complication looks more like a complication from the COVID vaccine. So that’s my, intervention. Thank you very much.